Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Sam's Salon

So what about haircuts, manicures, etc. while staying in a foreign country you may wonder? Well, Sweet Cheeks got a haircut for 30 pesos, which he paid the guy 50 pesos (nice tip) ... 30 pesos is just over two bucks American. Now Noah on the other hand, is another story. Sam brought hair cutting scissors and ended up cutting/trimming Karen, Kayla, Kimmie, Beth, and Noah's hair. Now they were all trims, and Sam's first male customer of her life is Noah Chica! It's SHORT ... ;) And Cheeks is calling him a "cute little dude" ...

In Texcoco, the Bains purchased some nail polish for her since she cut three of their four heads, so now coming up in Sam's Salon are going to be toenails and fingernails. Fun fun fun!

1 comment:

  1. Man I missed out on the salon! :) oh wait, never mind I just remembered we got pedicures in Houston at the mall while waiting for our 12 hour delay! :) It was AMAZING!! WAy to go Sam! And can't wait to see Noah's haircut! Although didn't he just get it cut the day we left? :)
